Career Goal Setting Plan

Start with writing your career goals in order of priority, besides them list advantages to help motivate you, or use them to decide their place of priority scale.

Identify key steps you need to take and give yourself realistic deadlines, otherwise you’ll never get it done!

Search for support resources; what support and from whom do you need it? What resources will help you, such as time, money, contacts? Now you’ll be ready to develop your action plan.

If you’re still in doubt, perhaps things took the wrong turn, ask yourself more questions about where you are leading your career path and how will you do it. Think about this:


Who else will I ask for help? Who will benefit from my career goal? Who will I work with to accomplish my objectives?


What do I want the outcome to be? What will I do to get started? What will make me happy? What do I want to achieve from this?


Where should I start? Where will my career goal put me in 10 years time? Where will I apply me resources and skills?


When should I begin? When do I want these goals to be reached? When will I apply me knowledge to begin attaining my goals?


How should I begin? How will these goals affect mine and/or other people’s future? How do I really feel about the goals that I have chosen?

After you’ve met the deadlines you need to reflect on the outcome.

Record whether you achieved the goal and what did/ did not work along the way for future references, so you know not to make the same mistakes twice.